
Poe poison concoction

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In the world of the game, you are a hunter and need to find various ways to destroy your opponent. One of the best ways is by creating a Poe poison concoction. This article will teach you how to create poison in “Poe concoction ”, as well as where you can find all of the necessary ingredients needed to do so.

In this game, there are several different types of poisons. Each one has its own unique use, but what they share in common is that they all directly deal damage to your opponents when consumed or come into contact with them. To make a poison concoction, you must first have the right ingredients in your inventory. Here is a list of all the items you will need to make a poison concoction:


A toadstool is one of the ingredients needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”. These mushrooms are the easiest to find and can be seen growing in the game’s various forests. In fact, you need to pick them up as you walk past them, as you cannot interact with them once you’ve passed them by. A toadstool also has another use. If you add it to a mixture that is used to make dye, it will change the color of the final product, depending on the other ingredients you’ve used.

Spider Fang

Free Tiny spider with shiny eyes on black surface Stock Photo

Another one of the ingredients needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”, spider fangs are notoriously hard to find. In fact, you can only find them in the game’s spider caves, which are full of the game’s spider enemies. There is, however, another way to gain spider fangs.

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If you kill a spider while it is still holding one of these fangs in its mouth, you will also pick up a spider venom, which is just as effective. Spider venom is used to make two different types of poison. If you use it with a toadstool, you will get spider venom poison. Alternatively, if you use it with a salamander scale, you will get a poison that deals damage over time.

Salamander Scales

A salamander scale is another one of the ingredients needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”. It can be found in the game’s various waterways and lakes. Alternatively, you can find them by picking up the shed skin of a salamander.

These can sometimes be found on the ground, but if you want to guarantee that you’re going to find one, you should aim your Poe concoction at them. If you use a salamander scale with a toadstool, you will get fire venom, which deals damage over time. Alternatively, if you use it with spider venom, you will get a poison that deals damage instantly.

Frog Eggs

Free From above of male Midwife toad frog or Alytes obstetricans with fertilized eggs on back sitting on ground in nature Stock Photo

Frog eggs are an ingredient needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”. You can find them by breaking open the frogspawn eggs that are also found in the game’s waterways and lakes. Alternatively, you can pick up a frog as it hops past you, although you will only get frog eggs from male frogs. If you use frog eggs with a toadstool, you will get a poison that deals damage instantly. Alternatively, if you use them with a salamander scale, you will get a poison that deals damage over time.

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Garlic is an ingredient needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”. It grows in the game’s various fields. If you like, you can also try to pick up some of the wild garlic that you find growing in the fields as well. If you use garlic with a toadstool, you will get a poison that deals damage instantly. Alternatively, if you use it with a salamander scale, you will get a poison that deals damage over time.

Viper’s Milk

Free Black and Yellow Snake on Ground Stock Photo

Viper’s milk is an ingredient needed to make poison in “Poe concoction”. You can find a viper’s nest in the game’s forests, or you can find a viper’s nest in the game’s deserts by looking for a large patch of sand.

Be careful, though, as viper’s nests are guarded by vipers, and you’ll have to defeat them before you can interact with it. If you use a viper’s milk with a toadstool, you will get a poison that deals damage over time. Alternatively, if you use it with a spider venom, you will get a poison that deals damage instantly.

Where to find each ingredient:

A toadstool can be found growing in the game’s forests. Spider fangs can only be found in the game’s spider caves, while salamander scales can be found in the game’s waterways and lakes. Frog eggs can be broken open from the game’s frog spawn eggs, while garlic can be found growing in the game’s fields. Finally, viper’s milk can be found in the game’s viper’s nests, either in the game’s forests or in the game’s deserts.


Poison is a very useful weapon, especially when fighting against other players. In this article, we’ve gone over how to create poison and where you can find all of the necessary ingredients to do so. We hope you’ve found it useful!

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