
Recurring Sinus Infections

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These infections cause pain and pressure on your forehead, cheekbones, or eyes. They’re often triggered by allergies, stress, cold weather, and changes in season. Recurring sinus infections are a sign that something isn’t right. The infection usually goes away on its own within a week or so.

But if it keeps coming back, you might have a more serious issue underlying these infections. Read on to find out more about recurring sinus infections and how to deal with them once and for all.

What is a Recurring Sinus Infection?

A sinus infection is an infection in one or more of your sinus cavities, which are the air-filled spaces in your face. Your sinuses are near the front of your face, behind your nose and cheeks. They are connected to your nose by small passageways.

Sinus infections are very common. They are usually caused by bacteria or a virus. You can also get a sinus infection after having surgery on your nose. People who get sinus infections often have a problem with drainage. The sinuses normally have mucus in them.

This mucus helps trap dust and germs so they don’t get into your lungs. But sometimes people with chronic sinus infections have too much mucus. This can clog the sinuses and make it hard to breathe.

How to Stop Recurring Sinus Infections

If you’ve got a recurring sinus infection, your best bet is to try out a variety of different home remedies and lifestyle changes to help you get rid of it for good. Here are some suggestions for how to stop recurring sinus infections:

– Be careful with your diet – people who have recurring sinus infections often have allergies that lead to hay fever, and some studies have found that the foods which trigger these allergies could be the same foods that trigger a sinus infection.

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This may sound obvious, but avoiding these foods (which are often dairy products, wheat, and peanuts) could be an easy way to stop recurring sinus infections.

– Take care during cold seasons – if you live in an area that sees a lot of rain or snow, it’s important to take care when it’s the season for colds and the flu. You could be at risk of contracting a bacterial infection, which could lead to a sinus infection if not treated properly.

– Try a neti pot – a neti pot is an age-old home remedy that has been proven to be a very effective way of treating and preventing sinus infections. It involves pouring a saline solution into one nostril and then letting it drain out of the other nostril, which cleans out your sinuses and reduces the risk of infection.

– Be aware of the weather – if you know that the weather in your area leads to more infections, you can take precautions to protect yourself from a sinus infection.

– Practice good hygiene – this one is important for preventing all types of infections and diseases, but it’s particularly helpful for preventing sinus infections.

– Stay hydrated – it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated when you’re feeling sick, but staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of infections.

Identify the Cause of Your Recurring Sinus Infections

If you’ve tried everything you can think of to stop recurring sinus infections, it might be time to check out a doctor to rule out other potential causes and get tested for potential underlying diseases. Here are some of the most common causes of recurring sinus infections:

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– Allergies – there is a strong correlation between allergies and infections in the nasal and sinus cavities, particularly if you’re allergic to dairy products, wheat, and peanuts. There are treatments for allergies, so if allergies are causing your infection, you might be able to get rid of it with treatment.

– Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies – Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 have been shown to help reduce the likelihood of contracting a sinus infection.

– Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): COPD is a long-term lung disease that makes it difficult for people to breathe properly. It can lead, in some cases, to recurrent sinus infections.

– Polyps: Polyps are benign growths inside the nose or sinuses. They can be removed with surgery, but they often come back. – Diabetes: Diabetes can cause the blood vessels to swell, which can lead to sinus infections.

Try Natural Remedies to Stop Recurring Sinus Infections

If you’ve tried all of the above suggestions and you’re still having trouble stopping recurring sinus infections, you might want to try some more extreme remedies. Here are some natural remedies that could help stop recurring sinus infections:

– Apple Cider Vinegar – apple cider vinegar has been shown to help reduce the number of infections in people who suffer from allergies, which many people who have recurring sinus infections also have.

– Vitamin D – research has shown that vitamin D supplements can reduce the likelihood of contracting a sinus infection.

– Oil of Oregano – oil of oregano has been shown to kill off many of the bacteria and viruses that can cause sinus infections.

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– Garlic – though the research is mixed, many people have claimed that garlic is useful in treating sinus infections.

See a Doctor and Get Tests Done to Stop Recurring Sinus Infections

If none of the above suggestions work, it might be time to see a doctor. The doctor can examine you and determine what’s causing the infections. They can also test you for any diseases that might be causing recurring sinus infections.

If the doctor finds something wrong with you, they can prescribe medication to treat it. If you’ve tried everything you can think of to stop recurring sinus infections and nothing has worked, it might be time to see a doctor.

If you see a doctor and they can’t find anything wrong with you, they might recommend allergy testing. Allergy testing can help determine what allergens are triggering your sinus infections. They can then help you come up with a treatment plan to address the allergies.


Recurring sinus infections are a common problem. If you’ve got a recurring sinus infection, it’s important to treat it with the right treatment as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming something more serious. It’s important to identify the cause of your recurring sinus infections so you can treat them properly.

It can take time to figure out the best ways to stop recurring sinus infection, but it’s worth it to feel healthy and have your quality of life restored.

If you’ve got a recurring sinus infection, there are a variety of ways to stop recurring sinus infections. Be careful with your diet, take care during cold seasons, and practice good hygiene to prevent infections from happening.

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