
What is a Partial Circumcision?

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Circumcision is the process of removing some or all of the foreskin from the penis. A full circumcision removes all visible foreskin, while a partial circumcision involves only removing part of it. Partial circumcisions are much less common than full ones, but they can have several advantages for both the man getting circumcised and his sexual partner.
We explore everything you need to know about partial circumcisions in this article.

Everything You Need to Know

A partial circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, but not all the way. Depending on the extent of the cut, this is also known as a high or low cut circumcision. In contrast to a complete or total removal of the foreskin that usually occurs in infancy, a partial circumcision leaves part of it intact but cuts away some of its length and exposes more of the glans.

Differing from total as well as partial circumcisions, non-surgical restoration may also involve putting back a small part of the removed prepuce without making any cuts. Read on to know more about Partial Circumcision…

What is a Partial Circumcision?

A partial circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, but not all the way. Depending on the extent of the cut, this is also known as a high or low cut circumcision. In contrast to a complete or total removal of the foreskin that usually occurs in infancy, a partial circumcision leaves part of it intact but cuts away some of its length and exposes more of the glans.

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Total and partial circumcisions differ from non-surgical restoration in that they involve making incisions to remove part of the foreskin, while restoration usually involves putting back a small part of the removed prepuce without making any incisions. Despite the presence of the foreskin, it is possible to expose the glans with a partial circumcision.

Reasons for having a partial circumcision

People may choose to undergo a partial circumcision for various reasons, including aesthetic, health-related, and cultural reasons. In some situations, it is performed as a treatment for phimosis or paraphimosis, both of which are conditions where the foreskin does not retract properly. In such cases, a partial circumcision may be a safer option for preventing these issues than a complete removal.

How is it performed?

As with any surgical procedure, a partial circumcision can be performed either with or without anesthesia. People who perform this procedure on themselves often use a sharp scalpel to make a cut around the foreskin’s edge. For those who have it done by a professional, the doctor might use electrocautery to burn away the loose skin for a less painful result. For a low cut, the foreskin is pulled away from the glans and a scalpel is used to cut away the foreskin on the underside as close to the glans as possible. Before applying an adhesive bandage, a cream or ointment is sometimes used to prevent infection.

Pros and cons of a partial circumcision

Like any other medical procedure, a partial circumcision has both benefits and risks. When compared to a complete removal, it is less likely to cause complications like infection and bleeding. However, a partial circumcision is also likely to result in a shorter foreskin than a complete one. The shorter foreskin may feel less sensitive and cause some reduction in sexual pleasure as compared to a complete one.

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Tips before getting a partial circumcision

– Talk to Your Doctor: If you are interested in having a partial circumcision, be sure to talk to your doctor about your reasons and what the procedure entails. – Awareness: Be aware that this procedure may cause some reduction in sexual pleasure. If you have any concerns about this, discuss them with your doctor. – Follow Up: Be sure to follow up with your doctor after the procedure, and be prepared to address any possible complications.


A partial circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, but not all the way. Depending on the extent of the cut, this is also known as a high or low cut circumcision. Reasons for having a partial circumcision include aesthetic, health-related, and cultural reasons.

A partial circumcision can be performed either with or without anesthesia. Pros and cons of a partial circumcision include a shorter foreskin and some reduction in sexual pleasure.

Tips before getting a partial circumcision include talking to your doctor, being aware of the reduction in sexual pleasure, following up after the procedure, and being prepared to address any complications.

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