
The Origins of Genshin Keychains & The Meaning Behind Them

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Did you know that the Genshin keychains are actually a secret codes used by the Buddhist monks of Japan? It is also known as the Lotus Sutra and is one of their sacred texts. The book explains about Buddha as well as his teachings.

While this may seem like something irrelevant to keychains, these little items have much more meaning than one would think. In this article, we will explore the origins of Genshin keychains and the meaning behind them.

What’s the Story Behind Genshin Keychains?

The Genshin keychains are often referred to as the “secret, silent key” by the monks because it is only to be used when necessary. Since the keychains are found in temples and other religious sites, it is not surprising that they have so much history behind them and can be traced back to the 15th century.

The Genshin keychain is named after a monk named Genshin who was the Chief Administrator of the Kyoto Temple in the 15th century. He was also one of the most renowned monks and has been known for his contribution to the Genshin keychains.

It is believed that the Genshin keychains were used as a secret code for monks to communicate to each other about travel and various other religious topics. The secret code was made up of colored threads and beads that are found on the keychains.

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The monks would use their keychains to indicate the type of travel they were going on, the number of people going, and the date they were leaving.

Why Are Genshin Keychain Colors Important?

The colors found on the Genshin keychains are important because they indicate what type of travel the monk is going on. There are nine different colors that monks use on their keychains, each with their own meaning. The colors are red, yellow, blue, white/silver, black, green, orange, brown, and purple.

Red: Red stands for travel to pray for the people who are suffering and in need of help. Yellow: Yellow represents a pilgrimage that monks often make to the shrines and temples. Blue: Blue represents a journey to visit the sick and elderly.

White/Silver: White or silver is used when monks travel to buy supplies and materials or to teach others in other areas.

Black: Black is used when a monk is traveling to visit another monk who is ill or perhaps needs help with some work.

Green: Green is used when a monk is traveling to visit a family member or when they are attending a funeral.

Orange: Orange is used when a monk is traveling to visit the Emperor or other members of the royal family.

Brown: Brown is used when a monk is traveling to visit the poor and needy. Purple: Purple is used when a monk travels to visit another province.

The Symbolic Meaning of Genshin Keychains

These keychains have a lot of symbolism behind them. Here are some of the more common meanings associated with the Genshin keychains:

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– The keychains are used as a reminder of the path of enlightenment and how it is important to remain focused.

– They also remind us that we should be mindful and be present in the moment.

– The keychains can also be used as a reminder to be grateful for the blessings we have.

– The Genshin keychains can also be used as a reminder not to get too attached to things in life and to let go of them when it is time.

The Hand Gestures for the Genshin Keychain Rituals

When monks use their Genshin keychains, they perform a specific hand gesture to indicate which travel they are going on. Here are the hand gestures that are used when monks use Genshin keychains:

– The thumb and index finger pressed together: This indicates when monks are traveling to visit the sick or elderly.

– The thumb and index finger held apart: This represents when the monk is traveling to buy supplies or materials.

– The thumb and index finger pressed against the middle finger: This means when the monk is traveling to teach others in another part of the country.

– The thumb and index finger pressed against the ring finger: This represents when a monk is traveling to visit a family member or attend a funeral.

– The thumb and index finger pressed against the little finger: This is used when a monk travels to visit the Emperor or other members of the royal family.

– The thumb and index finger pressed against the little finger and ring finger: This is used when a monk travels to visit the poor and needy in the country.

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– The thumb and index finger pressed against the middle finger and ring finger: This is used when a monk travels to visit another province.

– The thumb and index finger pressed against the middle finger and little finger: This represents when a monk travels to visit other temples or when they are traveling to teach.

Genshin keychains with a sacred ribbon lock

The Genshin keychains are often found with a ribbon lock that is tied in a knot. It is said that tying the knot tightens the bond between people and that their friendship will last forever. These keychains are often found in temples and other religious sites in Japan.

They are used to indicate when a monk has traveled to another place for religious purposes. The keychains also have a lot of symbolism behind them and can be used to remind people to be mindful, grateful, and not to get too attached to things in life.


The Genshin keychains are a very important part of Japanese culture. They have a lot of symbolism behind them and can be used to remind people to be mindful, be grateful, and not get too attached to things in life.

The keychains are a reminder of the path of enlightenment and how it is important to remain focused. These little items have much more meaning than one would think and can be used as a reminder that we should live in the moment, be mindful, and be grateful for the blessings we have.

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