
How To Pump to Induce Labor

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Pumping to induce labor – Labor can be a long and painful process. Some moms are lucky enough to have natural labor and delivery, while others need to use interventions and techniques to speed it up. If you want to know how to pump your breast milk to induce labor, we’ve got some great tips and tricks for you!

Tips on how to Pump to Induce Labor

How To Pump to Induce Labor


‍Labor is the process of your body readying for baby’s arrival and delivery. Your body will initiate labor when it is ready, but if you’re hoping to go into labor sooner, there are some methods you can try. Labor can be induced in a number of ways, but they all have the same goal: get things moving.

Users report that these home remedies are effective at inducing labor and also safe for first-time mothers. The trick is taking these measures as early as possible in your pregnancy. Each of these methods will increase your body’s hormone production and stimulate contractions that lead to labor.

Evening Primrose Oil

How To Pump to Induce Labor

Evening primrose oil is a natural way to help your body prepare for labor. It contains the essential fatty acid gamma linoleic acid that the body needs to produce prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones that encourage uterine contractions in preparation for labor and actually cause your body to produce more of them.

They are also helpful in reducing any back pain or contractions you might experience during early pregnancy. Some research shows that EFO can help improve birth outcomes, like preventing an excessive amount of bleeding following delivery.

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Meanwhile, other research suggests that EFO has no effect on rates of birth complications. If you’re hoping to induce labor with EFO, be sure to take it as early in your pregnancy as possible. Studies show that it’s most effective when taken in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Carrot and Ginger Smoothie

How To Pump to Induce Labor

Carrots and ginger are two common ingredients in herbal teas meant to induce labor. Ginger has been shown to increase the hormone prostaglandin and uterine contractions that help initiate labor.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which has been shown to boost the body’s production of oxytocin, another hormone that helps initiate labor. Carrot and ginger smoothies are a practical way to help induce labor.

They are packed with nutrients and easy to make at home. Simply chop up a couple of carrots and a thumb-sized piece of ginger and add them to a blender with a cup of non-dairy milk.

Blend until smooth and drink as many smoothies as possible. While there haven’t been many studies done on the effectiveness of this method, there haven’t been any negative side effects reported either.

Hot Water And Lemon

How To Pump to Induce Labor

Hot water with lemon is one of the oldest and most common ways to induce labor. It’s meant to stimulate the production of hormones that can initiate labour and strengthen contractions. A study found that women who drank a cup of hot water with lemon three times a day had a shorter gestation period and went into labour sooner than those who did not drink this tea.

Hot water with lemon is also easy to make and safe for all expectant mothers, so you can drink it throughout your pregnancy. It’s recommended that you drink three cups of this tea a day. If you’re having any contractions or spotting, stop drinking it until they go away.

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Baking Soda And Orange Juice

How To Pump to Induce Labor

Baking soda is meant to mimic the way that contractions occur naturally during labor and bring on labour. Studies show that one of the chemicals in baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, can stimulate the body to release certain hormones that lead to contractions.

Therefore, drinking baking soda with orange juice is a common way to induce labour. Baking soda is safe to consume whereas some other methods of inducing labour are not because they may cause harm to the baby. You would want to avoid Castor oil, for example, because it could trigger uterine rupture.

There haven’t been any studies conducted on baking soda and orange juice to induce labour, but it’s unlikely to do any harm. You’d want to drink it every day until you go into labour and stop if you have any contractions or spotting.

Castor Oil

How To Pump to Induce Labor

Castor oil is a sticky and thick oil that some women drink to induce labour. It contains a large amount of ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that can stimulate uterine contractions to induce labour. While there hasn’t been any research done to measure the effectiveness of castor oil to induce labour, there is a chance it could trigger a miscarriage if taken too early in the pregnancy.

You’d want to wait until at least the 36th week of your pregnancy before trying to induce labour with castor oil. You’d want to take a spoonful of the oil at least three times a day. You’d also want to avoid having sex and using a hot tub or sauna for 48 hours after consuming the oil.

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Labour Jump Start Kit

How To Pump to Induce Labor

If you’re looking to induce labour as soon as possible, you may want to try a jump start kit. These kits are available online and in some herbal shops and include a variety of herbs that help induce labour. You’d want to take these herbs at least every three hours in order to see results.

Bethroot has been shown to help induce labour as well as promote contractions. Andrographis helps strengthen your uterus and spicebush is used to control bleeding after delivery. You should follow the instructions on the package to make sure you’re taking the correct amount. While these herbs are safe, it’s best to use them under the supervision of a doctor.


Many women want to induce labour because they’re ready to meet their new baby, but others are worried about taking herbal remedies. It is important to remember that all of these methods are safe as long as you follow the directions and talk to your doctor beforehand. While there is no magic way to induce labour, these home remedies are a safe and effective way to help get things moving. Each of these methods can help you jump-start labour and bring on your baby sooner.

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