
What Do Cockroaches Eat

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Who can deny the fact that cockroaches are among the most disgusting pests in the world? With their greyish body, sharp claws and red-haired antennas, these pests will certainly give you goosebumps! However, if you think that is all about them and don’t want to know more about them, then you are absolutely wrong. Cockroaches are not necessarily disgusting bugs. In fact, they have many positive attributes in addition to being a pest at times. This article not only covers interesting facts about cockroaches but also tells you what do cockroaches eat and other important information about them.

Interesting facts about Cockroaches

The first interesting fact about cockroaches is that the common species of roaches found in homes are omnivorous. This means that they feed on both plants and animals. Did you know that cockroaches are not insects but are actually the descendants of an ancient order of arthropods called the “crustaceans”? This is why they are often confused with insects.

As per the Guinness Book of Record, the largest cockroach in the world is the Australian giant burrowing cockroach, which has an average length of 3.5 inches. You can also consider cockroaches as one of the oldest surviving animals on earth. The first roaches appeared on earth about 325 million years ago during the Carboniferous period.

Roach diet

The next interesting fact about cockroaches is that they are omnivorous and eat everything – from vegetable matter to dead animals and even their own kind. The roaches feed on a variety of organic materials like dead animals, vegetables, and even book bindings. They also feed on fabrics like carpets, bedding, and clothes.

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Cockroaches can survive without food for up to a month. If you think that is amazing, then you should know that roaches can also survive without water for as long as 8 weeks! Let’s also learn about the other things that roaches eat. In addition to decaying organic matter, roaches feed on flour, chocolate, coffee, sugar, starch, and paper.

What do roaches eat?

The next interesting fact about cockroaches is that they feed on almost everything. However, this does not mean that you don’t have anything to eat in your home. Roaches mostly feed on decaying organic matter and prefer dark, moist areas. However, contrary to popular belief, they do not feed on humans or their living tissues. If you want to know what roaches eat and if they feed on humans, then the answer is no.

Roaches do not feed on humans. If you want to know what do roaches eat, then know that they feed on a variety of organic materials like dead animals, vegetables, and even book bindings. They also feed on fabrics like carpets, bedding, and clothes. Read on to know more.

Where do cockroaches live?

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The next interesting fact about roaches is that they prefer to live in warm and dark places. Thus, they can be found in homes, kitchens, and even gardens. You may see a few cockroaches near your kitchen sink or in your garden soil, but that does not mean that you have a serious infestation.

They like to live in dark, warm places and prefer to stay away from humans. If you want to know where cockroaches live, then you should know that these pests prefer warm and moist places and thrive in humid environments. They can be found in sewers, drains, dark corners of the house, and even in the garden soil.

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How long does a cockroach live?

The next interesting fact about roaches is that they have a fairly average life span. Female roaches can live up to 6 months, while the male roaches have a lifespan of only 3 months. If you have noticed a roach in your house, then be assured that it won’t be there for more than a few months.

These pests have a fairly average life span. Female roaches can live up to 6 months, while the male roaches have a lifespan of only 3 months. The eggs can remain dormant for several years and hatch when they sense warmth, light, and humidity. The eggs hatch, and the young roaches start feeding on organic matter in the surrounding areas.


From what do cockroaches eat to how long does a cockroach live, this article has covered everything about these disgusting but interesting pests. And if you have read this article, then the next time you see a roach in your home, you won’t be as grossed out. You would know that the roaches are actually a good thing as they help clean up dead organic matter.

If you want to get rid of roaches in your home, then you can use insecticides. Alternatively, you can also try making DIY traps at home using easy-to-find ingredients. And if you don’t want these pests in your home, then you must follow these tips to keep your house cockroach-free. With this article, you can now tell your friends what do cockroaches eat because now you know everything there is to know about these pests.

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