
German Cockroaches

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German cockroaches, or German roaches as they are often called, make up less than 1% of the pest cockroach population in the United States. They don’t carry diseases like the American cockroach (see previous blog post), but they can still be annoying and disgusting. These small insects are reddish-brown with yellowish wings.

Adult German cockroaches measure about .5 inches long from head to tail and have a “double crest” on the pronotum that resembles a pair of horns. The best way to get rid of them is by hiring an expert who knows how to identify them, their habitat, and the most effective ways to exterminate them.

Here is more information about identifying German cockroach characteristics, habitats, habits, prevention, and extermination methods for repelling or ridding these pests from your home once and for all.

What does a German cockroach look like?


As previously mentioned, adult German roaches are reddish-brown and measure about .5 inches long from head to tail. They have yellowish wings but rarely fly. German roaches have long antennae, six legs, two long pinchers on the front of their abdomen, and three body segments. German roaches, unlike other species of roaches, prefer to live indoors.

They are mostly nocturnal and will hide in dark, warm areas during the day, but they can be found during the day when they become very active when their food source is low. They prefer to live in cracks and crevices, behind the wood, underneath wallpaper, behind sinks and cabinets, in potted plants, and in other places with high moisture and poor airflow.

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Where do you find German cockroaches?

As mentioned above, adult German roaches prefer to live indoors, but can be found in areas with high moisture and poor airflow. When an infestation is serious, you can find nymphs, eggs, and/or fully grown German roaches in the following places:

– Behind wood: German roaches often like to make their homes behind things like baseboards, cabinets, and furniture.

– Behind wallpaper: German roaches like to make their homes behind wallpaper, especially wallpaper with a lot of texture.

– Behind and inside appliances: German roaches like to make their homes inside fridges, freezers, stoves, and microwaves.

– Behind sinks and cabinets: German roaches like to make their homes behind sinks and cabinets, especially the ones with plumbing.

– Potted plants: German roaches like to make their homes inside potted plants.

– Around warm, moist areas: German roaches like to make their homes near radiators, furnace heaters, water heaters, and in leaks from pipes.

How do you know if you have German cockroaches?

You can check for German cockroach signs and symptoms, such as droppings and babies, in the areas mentioned above. If you see German roach droppings, they will look like black pepper or coffee ground-like droppings. You may see black or brown spots on your dishes, silverware, pots, or cups.

You can also listen for the sound of German roaches as they make a high-pitched sound called ‘squeaking’, and other roach noises. If you see an increased number of roaches in your home or building, and you have never seen them there before, or if you hear them, then you should get your home or building checked by a professional exterminator. If you have pets or small children, you must call an exterminator because you may not be able to eliminate the infestation yourself.

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Why are German Cockroaches so annoying?

German roaches are more than just annoying. They can also spread bacteria and pathogens to humans, contaminate our food, and damage our houses and furniture. They can also bite if you’re not careful. If you have children or small pets in the house, it’s important to exterminate German cockroach problems as quickly as possible.

They can also carry bacteria on their bodies and legs and leave them behind on food and kitchen surfaces. If they are in your house, they can contaminate your food, dishes, and kitchen surfaces. They can also leave droppings everywhere and make it very hard to clean up after them.

German roaches are very hard to get rid of. They reproduce very quickly and are hard to spot because of their size and color. They can also be very hard to get out of your house because they live in areas with high moisture and poor airflow.

Pre-Extermination Tips: Knowing is half the battle!

The best way to start eliminating German roaches from your home or building is by identifying where they are coming from. If you know where they are coming from, it will be easier to exterminate these pests.

Here are a few ways to identify the source of German roaches in your home:

– Inspect your home in and out: Look for signs of an infestation, such as droppings, eggs, and babies. Check every inch of your home to determine where the roaches are coming from.

– Look for water leaks: German roaches thrive in humid conditions. If you notice a sudden increase in roaches in your home, you may have a water leak in your house. Check your home for water leaks, especially around pipes.

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– Check your neighbor’s houses: German roaches can travel from one house to the next through small openings in your basement or walls. Check with your neighbors to see if they have a roach problem and what they are doing to exterminate it.

Exterminating Roach Problems: Conclusion

If you’re seeing German roaches in your home, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Identify the areas of your house where they are coming from and start taking steps to eliminate them. You can do this by cleaning your house, especially the kitchen, and reducing moisture and food sources. If you’ve tried everything and you still can’t get rid of the roaches, it may be time to call a professional exterminator.

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