German Shepherds information

German Shepherd Hot Spots and Effective Ways To Treat Them

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German Shepherds can get a number of different skin conditions. Their short hair can be easily rubbed or broken, and their wrinkled skin can trap dirt and moisture, making them more likely to get infections, allergies, and hot spots. What are German Shepherd hot spots, though? And what do you do about it?

The hot spot is an inflamed spot on the German Shepherd’s skin that usually looks red, wet, or even like pus is dripping out of it. Obviously, hot spots can cause your dog a lot of pain.

Most of the time, German Shepherds with this problem can’t stop licking the area, which can make the dog feel worse and cause more pain.

When you find a hot spot on your dog, you have to take care of it right away. If there is no treatment, the affected area may grow quickly.

Why there are hot spots in German Shepherds


German Shepherd hot spots are usually found in one spot on the dog’s skin. They can be caused by an underlying medical condition or by the dog licking its skin too much.

The following are some other reasons:

  • Allergies to food and the environment.
  • Scratching is a way to relieve boredom or stress.
  • Bug bites that itch.
  • Moisture that stays in a dog’s coat after it swims or bath.
  • Small cuts and scrapes on the skin’s surface.

When bacteria or yeast cause an infection,

Once the skin is torn and the bacteria start to spread, a small irritation can turn into a serious condition very quickly.

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This makes the dog lick, scratch, and bite more, which are the very things that cause hot spots on dogs.

Your dog has a hard time ignoring the wounds, which makes it hard for them to heal properly.

Hot spots on German Shepherds almost never go away on their own, and if the dog’s owner does nothing, they can grow quickly.

How Can You Tell If Your German Shepherd Has A Hotspot?

When the process starts, a visual inspection can show where a hot spot is. It could be flaking or have red or swollen skin.

At its worst, it might look like an open wound that smells bad and oozes blood and pus.

In serious cases, it’s important to see a vet for a more systematic way to figure out what’s wrong.

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You can do this by calling the animal hospital near you. Your vet might be able to figure out what’s wrong by doing one of the following:

  • Skin biopsy.
  • Cytological evaluation.
  • Skin culture/scraping.
  • Tests that look closely at allergic reactions.

What Kind of Medicine Is Used To Treat A German Shepherd Hot Spots?


German Shepherd hot spots

According to AKC, Antibiotics, disinfectants, and antihistamines are all common types of medicines used to treat German Shepherd hot spots.

As soon as you notice a hot spot on your German Shepherd’s skin, you must take the puppy to the vet as soon as possible for immediate medical care.

This will stop more hot spots from appearing and stop the condition from spreading.

When you take your German Shepherd to the vet, the doctor will do a full physical exam and then run a series of tests to find out why your dog has hot spots on its skin. Also, the results of the tests and trials will tell a vet how to treat your dog.

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In light of this, here are some ways that veterinarians often recommend to treat hot spots:


Antihistamines like Benadryl, which are very common, can also be used to cool down and treat hot spot-related skin inflammations on German Shepherds.


Your vet may suggest using triple antibiotic ointments to clean the German Shepherd hot spots and keep them from getting worse.

Secondary bacterial infections may also be treated with antibiotics, which can be taken by mouth or put on the skin.


You may also be told to clean and treat hot spots on your dog with disinfectants like betaine and hydrochloride. However, it is best to dilute these solutions before using them.

You can also clean the area around the hot spot every day with medicated wipes, which are an alternative to disinfectants that can be used instead.

Dietary Supplements

A veterinarian may also suggest nutritional supplements for German Shepherds who have a history of skin problems.

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How to Prevent German Shepherd Hotspots


Check your German Shepherd’s coat/urf often to keep it from getting hotspots. Check for ticks, fleas, and other bugs, and if you find any, get rid of them right away.

Do not forget to look at your skin carefully for any signs of bites, scars, or irritation. After cleaning the area well, you should put on the ointment that your vet suggested.

  • It would be best to not feed him or let him touch the allergen.
  • You should dry your German Shepherd’s coat after bathing, swimming, going for a walk in the rain, or playing with sprinklers.
  • Getting your German Shepherd German Shepherd to exercise and play with you every day will keep him busy and stop him from chewing or licking his skin if he does it because he’s bored.
  • Give your German Shepherd omega-3 fish oil to make it less likely that he will get hot spots or other skin problems.
  • Putting coconut oil on your German Shepherd’s skin can help keep him from getting skin problems in the future.

Is it possible for a hot spot to heal itself?

Without the help and care from a doctor, a German Shepherd hot spot won’t get better, it will get worse.

The good news is that hot spots are easy to treat, and if you give a German Shepherd the right medicine, you can stop hot spots from happening and bring the dog’s hair growth back to normal.

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Will Benadryl help German Shepherd hot spots get better?

Some vets at PetMD say that Benadryl can be used to treat the irritation that comes with German Shepherd hot spots (diphenhydramine).

If you decide to give it to your pet, talk to your vet first. Most vets recommend giving a dose of about 1 milligram for every kilogram (or every 2.2 pounds) every eight hours.

This is given orally. (That dose is small, so it won’t have many bad effects, but it will still make you sleepy.)

What Does German Shepherd Hot Spots Look Like?


A hot spot on a dog usually looks like a red, swollen spot on the skin that is full of pus and water.

Even though German Shepherd hot spots can be many different sizes, it is almost always big enough to see without any help.

When a hot spot starts to form, the affected area will start to leak pus, which will then react with the affected skin to form a tight crust. This is the first thing you need to do to make a hot spot.

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How long would it take for German Shepherd hot spots to heal?

You should start to feel better after two or three days, but it could take anywhere from one to three weeks for the worst part to go away completely and the epidermis to go back to normal.


If you have a German Shepherd, you know they can be very itchy. So keeping them clean may keep your dog healthy and free of skin problems like German Shepherd hot spots. Better still, take your German Shepherd to PetMD for health checkups.

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